
“If we want to change the cities, I would invite you to look at childhood in the cities”, highlighted Levindo Diniz Carvalho

“If we want to change cities, I would invite you to look at childhood in the cities”, highlighted Levindo Diniz Carvalho during the seminar on Education, Childhood and the City, at ISEC Lisboa, shortly after the Chair was launched.

It was as part of the launch of the Chair, The City that Educates and Transforms, that Professor Levindo Diniz Carvalho gave a seminar on Education, Childhood and the City, at ISEC Lisboa.

During his presentation, the speaker focused essentially on the relationship between education, childhood and the role of the city in these two agents. Professor explored some key concepts and themes that he considers to be crucial to debating the role of the city in education and childhood: children as social actors, integral education, full-time education, childhood and the cities in academic production and childhood and the cities in the Latin American context: epistemological challenges. Emphasizing the role of the city during childhood, Levindo Diniz stated that "this rapprochement between childhood studies and urban studies helps us to think about childhood rights in public spaces, also as a spot for the coexistence of difference (... ) the right to the city as the right that needs to be faced as this urban injustice unequally affects children and adolescents, so if we want to change cities, my invitation is to look at childhood in the cities, listen to the children in the cities and try to change their living conditions therein", he explained.

Levindo Diniz Carvalho is an Associate Professor at the Faculdade de Educação and the Postgraduate Programme in Education at UFMG (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais). PhD in Education from the same university where he obtained his master's degree in Education and a Postgraduate Degree in Pedagogy. Well-versed researcher and teacher in the fields of education and childhood with a focus on Integral Education; Child Education; Childhood and Culture; Citizenship in Childhood. He is a member of the TEIA group - Territory Integral Education and Citizenship, and coordinates NEPEI - Research Center on Childhood and Early Childhood Education, both at Faculdade de Educação at UFMG.