
WG3 Education in the City

Approaches education in the city from the perspective of educational institutions, organizations and policies, from the perspective of their intersectoral and cross-cutting articulation, taking into account socio-territorial specificities. In this sense, it considers the necessary convergence between the fields of education, culture, sports, health, among others, in the intersectoral construction of educational arrangements in the territories and lifelong learning. It understands the school as an inalienable right and as a key institution for new educational designs and paths. Educational inclusion in the city - multiplicity and difference.

She has a BSc in Pedagogy (1985) and a BA in Psychology (1992) from the University of Passo Fundo; a BSc in Psychology from the University of Passo Fundo (1993); a specialization in Literacy from the University of Passo Fundo (1989); latu sensu specialization in Advertising and Marketing from the Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (1995), a Master's Degree in Education from the Universidade de Passo Fundo (2005) and a PhD in Child Studies, specializing in Physical Education, Leisure and Recreation from the University of Minho in Portugal. There she was a member of the Research Center for Child Studies - CIEC. She is a professor at the Institute of Humanity, Sciences, Education and Creativity (IHCEC), at the University of Passo Fundo, where she works on undergraduate courses in Pedagogy and postgraduate courses in the Specialization in Early Childhood Education, Curriculum and Childhood. She coordinates the University Toy Library of the IHCEC at UPF and the Outreach Program that brings together the four Toy Libraries of the IHCEC and the HSVP Play Space, all laboratories of the Pedagogy Course. From August 2006 to August 2008, she coordinated the Outreach department at the Faculty of Education; between 2002 and 2010, the Outreach Project "Playful Space and Pedagogical Care for Hospitalized Children", and coordinated the Observatory on Youth and Violence in Schools, the result of a partnership between UPF and the UNESCO Chair on Youth, Education and Society. She was a member of the UPF Undergraduate Commission and the Undergraduate Sector. She was the institutional representative on the Interinstitutional Program for Integrating the University with Basic Education - PIEB, which brought together the HEIs associated with the Consortium of Community Universities of Rio Grande do Sul. She is a member of the team of teachers responsible for the didactic assessment in the selection boards for entry to the UPF faculty. As a member of the state public faculty, she was a teacher in the early years of elementary school, worked in the Educational Guidance Sector and was later transferred to the health sector, where she worked as a psychologist in the Specialized Education Assistance Centre - CEAC, whose multidisciplinary team was responsible for school health projects and actions in the area covered by the 6th Regional Health Coordination and the 7th Education Coordination. She was coordinator of CEAE and worked in the Educational Guidance Service of the Protásio Alves State High School. She has experience in the areas of psychology and education, particularly teaching and learning; teacher training; children and childhood; childhood, culture and nature; child development; psychological and social motivations; corporeality; playfulness; inclusive education; lifelong learning; programs to promote quality of life and prevent violence, with an emphasis on the phenomenon of school bullying. During her stay in Portugal, she undertook specific training in the area of playground safety and was part of a research group, part of the Permanent Seminar on Physical Activity, Health and Leisure, dedicated, among other things, to the issues of school playgrounds, active transportation to school and the prevention of school bullying, coordinated by Professor Beatriz Pereira. She also took part in the permanent Seminar on the Sociology of Childhood, led by Prof. Manuel Sarmento PhD. She visited schools, toy museums and play areas for children in various countries in southern, central, northern and eastern Europe.

Ana Patrícia Almeida completed her PhD in Education, in the field of Educational Administration and Policy, in 2015 at the Institute of Education of the University of Lisbon. She completed her Master's Degree in Educational Administration in 2005 from the FPCE of the University of Lisbon, and her Bachelor's Degree in Educational Sciences - Educational Administration in 1999 from the FPCE of the University of Lisbon. At the Higher Institute of Education and Sciences (ISEC Lisboa), she was Director of the School of Education and Human Development. She is currently an Assistant Professor at Universidade Aberta, and coordinates the Master's Degree in Educational Administration and Management. She is also the Head Researcher, at the same institution, of the UNESCO Chair "City that Educates and Transforms". She has received 2 awards, one of them for Best PhD Thesis in the field, in 2015. Professor Almeida has also published and conducted research in the fields of Public Education Policies, Educational Administration and Teacher Training.

Email: anap.almeida@uab.pt

Cláudia Neves has been an assistant professor at Universidade Aberta since 2010, where she teaches curricular units in the Department of Education and Distance Learning. Since 2013, she has been a member of the coordination team for the Master's Degree in Educational Administration and Management, where she has supervised several dissertations. Her experience also included teaching at FCSH/UNL in 2010/2012. She is currently the Portuguese coordinator of the European Union's Horizon-funded project titled "Transforming Education through Aesthetic and Embodied Learning for Democracy-as-becoming". Her research interests are rooted in the Laboratory of Education and Distance Learning (LE@D) and center around Educational Policies and new forms of regulation of education in the national and international framework, with special emphasis on the role of the European Union in defining the educational policy of its member states. Currently, her research seeks to explore and deepen training scenarios in digital environments especially oriented towards the management and leadership of schools in Portugal and Europe and the exploration of complexity theories in educational administration and management. In terms of training, she has a PhD in Education Sciences, specializing in Education and Development from FCT/UNL (2009) and a Master's Degree in Education and Society from ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. In 2000 she completed a Bachelor's Degree in Social Policy at the Universidade Técnica de Lisboa - Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas. She is a member of IGEC's team of experts in the 3rd cycle of external evaluation of Portuguese schools and has held various positions at said University. She has experience of coordinating European projects, particularly related to lifelong learning in SMEs and European History and Citizenship for teachers at all levels of education. The research projects in which she has participated as a member deal with various themes such as MOOCs, Interfaces between Higher Education and other institutions, and the Employability of University Alumni. She is currently a board member of the Portuguese Forum for Educational Administration and a member of the LE@D coordinating council. At LE@D she is the coordinator of a research line and is dedicated to research projects on Complexity Theories in the analysis of political contexts, Digital Educational Leadership and Virtual Learning Communities in schools.

Email: claudia.neves@uab.pt

Filipa Seabra has a PhD in Educational Sciences, in the field of Curriculum Development, from the University of Minho; a Master's Degree in Educational Sciences from the Portuguese Catholic University and a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from the University of Minho. She has been an Assistant Professor at Universidade Aberta (Portugal) since 2010 and has supervised doctoral theses and master's dissertations. She has worked on issues related to the curriculum, supervision and the retention of students in higher education.

Susana Henriques holds a PhD in Sociology - specialization in Education, Communication and Culture (ISCTE-IUL); a Master's in Communication, Culture and Information Technologie (ISCTE-IUL); and a Bachelor's Degree in Sociology (ISCTE-IUL). She is researcher at CIES-IUL, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Education and Distance Learning at Universidade Aberta and is a member of the following professional associations and networks: European Society for Prevention Research (EUSPR); Distance Education Section of the Portuguese Society of Educational Sciences (SPCE); International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP); International Consortium of Universities for Drug Demand Reduction (ICUDDR); Portuguese Sociology Association (APS); European Society for Social Drug Research (ESSD). Areas of research interest: Sociology of education and communication - elearning, digital literacy, digital inclusion; Sociology of consumption and addictions - health education, prevention of addictive behaviors; Sociology of youth; Educational leadership; Research methodologies.

Email: susana.henriques@uab.pt

Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education and the Post-Graduate Program in Education at UFMG. He holds a PhD in Education from the Federal University of Minas Gerais, a Master's Degree in Education and a Bachelor's Degree in Pedagogy. He has experience as a researcher and teacher in the fields of education and childhood, especially in the areas of: Integral Education; Early Childhood Education; Childhood and culture; Citizenship in childhood. He is a member of the TEIA group - Territories of Integral Education and Citizenship, and also coordinates NEPEI - Research Center on Childhood and Early Childhood Education, both at the Faculty of Education of UFMG.

Pedagoga, Mestra e Doutora em Educação pela Faculdade de Educação da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (FaE /UFMG). Professora do Departamento de Administração Escolar (DAE/FaE/UFMG), do Curso de Formação Intercultural de Educadores Indígenas (FIEI) e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação: Conhecimento e Inclusão Social na linha de pesquisa "Educação, Cultura, Movimentos Sociais e Ações Coletivas". Realizou estágio de doutorado no Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra (CES-UC) e intercâmbio institucional de graduação na Universidade do Porto (UP). Pesquisa e publica na área de educação atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: perspectivas anticoloniais em diálogo com a educação; desigualdades sociais e desigualdades escolares; educação integral (em tempo) integral. Membro do núcleo de ensino, pesquisa e extensão Territórios Educação Integral e Cidadania (TEIA) da FaE/UFMG.

PhD in Geography from the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR). Master's in Geography from Queen Mary University (QMUL), Federal University of London. Graduated with a BA and BSc in Geography from UFPR. Between 2010 and 2011, worked as a substitute professor, teaching Geography to A level GCSE students in various schools and academies in London and Greater London, England. In Brazil, he worked in Primary Education teaching Geography to primary and secondary school students in 2006. Since 2015, he has been a lecturer at the UNINTER International University Center, where he teaches and holds lectures for students on various undergraduate and postgraduate courses. As part of the same institution, since 2022 he has been a senior lecturer in the Postgraduate Program in Education and New Technologies (PPGENT) - Master's and Professional Doctorate at the UNINTER International University Center. He is a representative member of the UNESCO Chair (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) of "Cities that educate and transform". He is the leader of the EDUCATION AND THE CITY (EDUCIDADE) Research Group, registered in the CNPq Directorate and linked to UNINTER's Dean of Postgraduate Studies, Research and Outreach. Within this group, he coordinates the project THE CITY AS CURRICULUM AND THE CITY AS BUSINESS. He has served as a member of the Research Council of the UNINTER International University Center between 2019 and 2021. He works mainly on the following subjects: Industry; Territory, Cities and Regions (and their multi-scalarities); Economic Geography, Learning Management in Hybrid Models of Education, Educating Cities.

Email: alceli.ribeiro@gmail.com

Has a Bachelor's Degree in History from the Federal University of Santa Maria/UFSM (2002), a Master's Degree in Education from the Federal University of Santa Maria/UFSM (2005), a PhD in Education from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul/UFRGS (2016) and a Post Doctorate in Social Memory and Cultural Heritage from the Federal University of Pelotas/UFPEL (in progress). Among other experiences, he has worked as a high school history teacher, as a consultant for UNESCO (2009), as a consultant for the Organization of Ibero-American States/OEI (2010), as a consultant for the Ministry of Education in the Department of Continuous Education, Literacy and Diversity/SECAD/MEC (2009 and 2010), as a professor at the Catholic University of Brasilia/UCB (2010), as an Institutional Projects Advisor at the University of Passo Fundo/UPF (2010), as a professor at the University of Passo Fundo/UPF, as Coordinator of the Outreach Division at the University of Passo Fundo/UPF (2012-2019), and as Coordinator of the UPF UniverCidade Educadora Program (2016-2019). He currently works as a professor and researcher in the History Bachelor's Degree and in the Master's Degree in Humanities and Languages/MEHL at the Franciscan University/UFN in the projects Contemporary Readings of the Urban Space of Santa Maria/RS and Urban Pedagogies: The Educational Potential of the City for the Teaching of Humanities, as advisor to the Vice-Dean of Outreach at the University of Passo Fundo/UPF, as Coordinator of the Hospedaria da Arte Project, Coordinator of the UniverCidade Educadora UFN, Ateliê Pedadgógico and Território Negro do Rosário sub-projects: Structural Racism and the City, as a collaborating teacher in the Educating Cities Outreach Project of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology Farroupilha/IFFAR, as a collaborating teacher in the CIUDAD EDUCANDO Outreach Project: expresiones culturales en el espacio urbano at the Universidad Nacional de San Luis/ARG, member of the Brazilian Movement of Educating Cities/SP and of the Network of Universities for Cities that Educate/REDHUMANI, Evaluator of Integral Education Technologies at the Secretariat of Basic Education/SEB/MEC, Member of the editorial group of the magazine Lugar Comum/UFRJ, researcher in the research group Art, Body, Teaching CNPQ/CAPES/UFRGS, researcher in the Universidade Nômade network.

Born in Ivorá-RS, she holds a Bachelor's Degree in Physics (1998), a Master's Degree (2000) and a PhD in Physics from the Federal University of Santa Maria (2003). She is currently a senior Professor and Dean of the Franciscan University (UFN). She has worked at UFN as coordinator of the undergraduate course in Medical Physics (2004-2006), coordinator of the Master's Degree in Nanosciences (2006-2008) and Vice-Dean of Postgraduate Studies, Research and Outreach (2008 to 2018). She has a CNPq level 1C research productivity grant, as well as an h-index of 26, around 2,800 article citations and more than 150 articles published in international and national journals (Source - Web of Science ResearcherID AAY-1061-2021). She is a peer-reviewer for the international journals Physical Review B, Chemical Physics Letters, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Physical Review Letters and Nanotechnology. She has experience in the field of Physics and Nanosciences, working mainly on the following topics: 1D and 2D nanomaterials, density functional theory, as well as in the field of Physics Teaching, Nanoscience Teaching and the development of virtual learning objects, as well as in scientific and technological dissemination projects. She coordinated the SIBRATEC/MCT Nanocosmetics Innovation Centers Network (2010-2014), and is vice-coordinator of the INCT on Carbon Nanomaterials. In 2006 she won the Loreal Prize for Women in Science in the field of Physics. She is an affiliate member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (2017-2021).

Diego Carlos Zanella has a Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy from Faculdade Palotina de Santa Maria - FAPAS (2002/2-2006/1). Master's in Philosophy from the Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM (2006/2-2008/1). PhD in Philosophy from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul - PUCRS (2008/2-2012/1), with a PhD internship at the Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen - Germany - under the supervision of Prof. Otfried Höffe PhD (January/2010-November/2011) in the Forschungsstelle Politische Philosophie. He also completed further studies (2015-2016), specialization (2017-2018) and a Master's Degree (2019-2020) in Bioethics at the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales - FLACSO, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Since 2013, he has been a member of the Brazilian Bioethics Society (SBB) and its regional section in Rio Grande do Sul: Sociedade Rio-Grandense de Bioética (SORBI), of which he is the current president (2020-2022 term). He is currently a professor on the Undergraduate Philosophy Course, the Master's Degree in Humanities and Languages Teaching, a member of the Ethics Committee for Research with Human Beings (CEP), since September 2018, and of the Ethics Committee for the Use of Animals (CEUA), since March 2020, at the Franciscan University (UFN), in Santa Maria, RS. Diego Carlos Zanella is interested in the following areas: Teaching Humanities and Bioethics, Ethics and Political Philosophy, Cosmopolitanism and Human Rights.

Holds a Bachelor's Degree in Early Years Pedagogy from the Franciscan University Center (UNIFRA) (1998), a Master's Degree in Education from the University of Passo Fundo (UPF) (2004) and a PhD in Education from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) (2016). She is currently an Associate Professor at the Franciscan University (UFN), teaching on the Master's course in Humanities and Languages Teaching (MEHL) and the Pedagogy course. Coordinator of the Pedagogical Residency Program - Pedagogy. Member of the Center for Studies in Higher Education (PUCRS). She coordinates the Franciscan University and Federal University of the Southern Border Inter-institutional Project on student engagement and innovative pedagogical practices in Higher Education. She has experience in Higher Education, with an emphasis on Teacher Training, working mainly on the following subjects: initial and continuing teacher training, educational policies, educational and school management.

Researcher in Post-doctoral Internship at the Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, with a grade-10 scholarship from FAPERJ, with the project "Women in Science: professionalization and scientific trajectories (Rio de Janeiro - DF, 1940-1960)". She holds a PhD in History of Science from the Postgraduate Program in History of Science and Health at the Casa de Oswaldo Cruz - Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, where she wrote her thesis titled " Assistance to health and poverty in the interior of southern Brazil (1903-1913)". She took part in the Sandwich Doctorate Program at the University of Évora, Portugal, with a CAPES/PDSE grant. She has a degree in History from the Franciscan University Center (UNIFRA) and a Master's Degree from the Postgraduate Program in History at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM). She has an interest in the following lines of research: History of Science, History of Women, History of Brazil in the First Republic, History of Assistance and History of Poverty.

She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Architecture and Urbanism from the Ritter dos Reis University Center (2001), as well as a Master's Degree (PROPAR/UFRGS, 2006) and a PhD (PROPAR/UFRGS, 2019) in Architecture from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. She is assistant coordinator of the postgraduate program in Technological Sciences (UFN) and professor of the Architecture and Urbanism course at the Franciscan University (UFN), Santa Maria. She has experience in Architecture and Urbanism, with an emphasis on Theory, History and Critique, working mainly on the following subjects: collage and architecture, architectural design, urban planning design, squares, interventions in heritage and railway heritage.