
UNESCO Chair “The City that Educates and Transforms” Reflects on the Impacts of Climate Change at the “Cities of the 21st Century” Seminar

Between September 25 and 27, 2024, the University of Passo Fundo (UPF) held the ninth edition of the Cities of the 21st Century seminar, organized by the VivA!Emau extension project. With the support of the UNITWIN Network - Unesco Chair “The City that Educates and Transforms”, led by ISEC Lisboa, the central theme of the event was the Impacts of Climate Change, addressing urban challenges in the face of these phenomena.

Held online, the seminar included an opening session and three sessions dedicated to the presentation and discussion of papers. Students and teachers from various fields took part, presenting research, projects and practices related to the urban environment and its interactions with climate change.

The event provided an in-depth reflection on the implications of climate change for cities, especially after the recent climate disasters in Rio Grande do Sul. With the aim of stimulating dialogue and collaboration between different areas of knowledge, the seminar proposed sustainable solutions to make cities more resilient to extreme weather events.