
The first doctoral thesis in Education under the UNESCO Chair was defended

On June 11, Ana Paula Rohrbek Chiarello successfully defended her doctoral thesis in Education entitled “Possible Approaches between the Plan of Articulated Actions (PAR) and Educating Cities: Challenges to Justice and Equity”, at the Integrated Regional University of Alto Uruguay and the Missions (PPGEDU URI).

The jury for the doctoral exams was made up of Professors Edite Maria Sudbrack from PPGEDU URI, who was supervising professor, Adriana Maria Andreis from the Federal University of Fronteira Sul, Silvia Maria Leite de Almeida from the Federal University of Bahia, Jaqueline Moll and Luci T. M. dos Santos Bernardi from PPGEDU URI.

This event marked the first thesis defense under the UNESCO Unitwin Chair “City that Educates and Transforms”.

We congratulate Dr. Ana Chiarello and wish her all the best in her academic career!