
UNESCO Chair - The City that Educates and Transforms launched at the Federal University of Bahia - UFBA

The launch of the UNESCO Chair “The City that Educates and Transforms” took place within the programme of the II National Seminar on Integral Education at UFBA, on September 5th, in the Noble Hall of the Rector of UFBA.

The launch was preceded by the presentation of the theme: "Fields, villages and cities that educate: territories for living, learning and transforming", which included the participation of Professor Jaqueline Moll, president of the Assembly of Delegates of the Chair, the members of the Chair and Professor Márcio Tascheto, under the watchful eye of the distinguished guests. In addition to this theme, there was also a conference promoted by the Chair with the theme: - Childhood and Integral Education: The Right to Education in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education.