
The IV International Seminar on Teaching of Humanities and Languages has already taken place

The Master's Degree in Teaching of Humanities and Languages (MEHL) at the Universidade Franciscana (UFN) promoted from 23 to 25 August the hybrid “IV International Seminar on Teaching of Humanities and Languages”. Under the theme “Urban Learning”, the event aimed to encourage innovation in education, and update studies related to this area, in addition to integrating research with pedagogical experiences that involve learning in the urban context within the framework of cities that educate and transform.

The activities began on the 23rd, with the lecture “Education, Childhood and City”, by Professor Levindo Diniz Carvalho, from the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG). On the second day (24th), the programme consisted of lectures, including that of Professor Paula Uglione, from the NGO Louvain Coopération, Université Catholique de Louvain, from Belgium, and Professor Ione da Silva Jovino, from the Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa (UEPG), from Paraná. In addition to the lectures, the second day of the event featured the City Management panel, with the education secretaries of the Brazilian cities of Soledade and Santa Maria. On the last day of activities (25th), the panel ‘Cities that Educate’ took place, with Professor Ana Patrícia Almeida, from the Universidade Aberta of Portugal and Professor Juliano Matos, from the Anísio Teixeira Institute. These presentations took place in addition to the Pedagogical Residency Assessment Seminar and the closing ceremony.

Aimed at Undergraduate, Specialization, Master's and Doctorate students in the areas of humanities and languages, the event contributed to further understanding between the city and lecturing humanities.

Event link.